Travel Photography: 6 Ways to Take Great Couple Photos while Traveling

Today we are going to share ways to take great couple photos while traveling. When you travel as a couple, you are going to want to get some good photos of the two of you together. The problem is that getting great couples photos of the two of you together can be a challenge, as usually one of you has to operate the camera or smartphone. So most people end up with a lot of individual photos from a trip, but not so many great couple photos from their travels. In this post, we’re going to share with you some tips to help you take great couple photos when traveling. All of these tips also work for getting any kind of single person, group, or family travel photos. First, we’re going to go through all of the ways that we have taken photos of ourselves together on our trips to … Continue reading Travel Photography: 6 Ways to Take Great Couple Photos while Traveling